Call for Speakers

What We're Looking For

Did you know? Alliance Française de Birmingham hosts lectures, book reading and signing, movie screening and discussion. We’re looking for dynamic individuals with interesting topics for our French community.

Who are we?

For more than 60 years, Alliance Française de Birmingham has offered native speakers and francophiles the opportunity to promote the French language and francophone cultures and to foster exchanges between French speakers and local communities. Now with one hundred members, we’re the go-to French community in the Birmingham area.

Tell Us About You

If you’d like to be a featured speaker for the Alliance Française de Birmingham, please submit the form below to be considered.

We’ll review our Call for Speakers on a rolling basis based on our programming needs.

If selected, there are some perks too — lots of social exposure and networking opportunities as a featured speaker. The best part? Connecting with and becoming a part of our local French community.

If you have any questions or would like to recommend a speaker, please contact us using our contact form.